CombatSkies3 Demos

Attack on a Zeppelin base

This video is a screen recording of Combat Skies, a flight simulation action game for mobile devices. It is set in the first world war; the pioneering days of military aviation. In Combat Skies  the player controls a biplane to dogfight with aircraft, to attack bombers and zeppelins and to strafe guns and ships. 

This demonstration is set in the western front in 1916. A French SPAD13 biplane controlled by the player attacks anti-aircraft guns on the ground. The player's aircraft also dogfights with an  enemy biplane.

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Screen recording: Two

The video is a screen recording of Combat Skies. Set in the North Sea in 1918, a German Albatros D5 biplane controlled by the player attacks a warship of the allies armed with anti-aircraft guns. It also attacks an aircraft carrier carrying Camel aircraft on its deck and destroys one. A British biplane controlled by an autopilot attacks the player's aircraft and is, in turn, attacked and destroyed by the player's aircraft. 

Coming to Apple's App Store soon (+ app store link TBD)

Screen recording: Three

This video is a screen recording of Combat Skies.  Set near Verdun, France in 1915, a German Albatros D5 biplane controlled by the player is attacked by an enemy fighter and then attacks the enemy fighter shooting it down. Explosions of enemy anti-aircraft fire threaten the player's aircraft. The player's aircraft evades the anti-aircraft fire and dives to attack the anti-aircraft guns destroying one. 

Coming to Apple's App Store soon (+ app store link TBD)